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the place where the world should end

August 14, 2012

There is a place far away from here. A distant shore, pain-free and clear. This place does exist and like a crazy man I am standing on a beach in the middle of an island. Deserted I was once but my ship is on the horizon. My ship is beautiful, majestic and effortless she glides through the waves to come and save me. A memory gets lots in the wind, blowing free. And for so long I thought the world only ends in pain. The earth is round and I won’t fall off.  There is a pain-free world, redemption is coming.

You saved me. I was halfway falling off the earth but you saved me. Effortlessly you threw your life jacket down onto me. I was a lost man. I was standing on the island, no clue where to go. The tides were against me and here I am standing vindicated by heart. And the certainty of tomorrow becomes new.

Was my island a forgotten place? The place where the world should end? It is time to take the travel back, let’s begin:

I never thought about the pain of others. I was selfish, did not forgive. If you live on the island you never see the other ships sink. But yes, how did I not know that others might be in pain too. Obsession is a terrible thing. And I gave it back too. The water gets recycled and the salt is still in it. It is sad that for so long I was blaming others, I should be blaming myself. I never knew while the pain was stuck. The sinking whirlpool caught me, round and round we go.

It is time to set sail. I don’t know a lot. But I do know this. My ship is shattered, pieces all over, the water my friends .The journey will be hard. I have one paddle. And a life jacket. I need to find the pieces, start building it up again.

First thing first. The journey will be long. We need fresh water. I have lots of tears to provide. I need to smile, we will take passengers onboard. I need a compass. Someone to guide me.

I was once stuck on an island. Too scared to get off. I was scared that the world will end for me. That I will sail over the horizon and fall into the dismal black whirlpool of pain and sadness. The world did end, I left the island behind. And I see the future, clear. Give me your hand, let the journey continue.

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